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VCE - Unit 1 & 2 Literature Study Guide

Why include a Bibliography?

What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of the resources (such as books, websites, and encyclopedias) that you use when doing research.

Why do I need to make a bibliography?

A bibliography helps you know where you got your information from and shows your teacher that you used proper sources.

What do I include in a bibliography?

You should list every source that you use when doing research. Sources can include books (electronic and paper), videos, images, websites, encyclopedia articles and magazine articles.

When should I do my bibliography?

It is a good idea to add to your bibliography as you do your research. Always record books, websites and other sources as you use them – this keeps you organised, and saves time later!

Where do I put the bibliography for my assignment?

The bibliography goes at the end of your assignment. Your bibliography needs to be written in alphabetical order, not separated into type of source.

Example Bibliography

A Bibliography should always be sorted alphabetically, not by type of resource. See the example below.

‘World Science Festival: Australia “lags rest of the world in space exploration”’ 2017, ABC Premium News, viewed 25 February 2019,

Gifford, C 2013, Space in 30 seconds, Ivy Kids, East Sussex.

Miles, L, Bines, G & Bull, P 2009, The Usborne book of astronomy & space, Usborne, London.

Space exploration 2019. Britannica School. Retrieved 26 February 2019, from

Sparrow, G 2007, Space flight, Dorling Kindersley, London.

TED-Ed 2016, Could we survive prolonged space travel? - Lisa Nip, 4 October, accessed 26 February 2019, <>.

Step=by-Step Bibliography